Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Cell videos, 7.1 Introduction to Cells

Happy Groundhog Day!

Candlemas was originally a Celtic festival marking the "cross-quarter day," or midpoint of the season. The Sun is halfway on its advance from the winter solstice to the spring equinox.Sunshine on Candlemas was said to indicate the return of winter. Similarly, "When the wind's in the east on Candlemas Day / There it will stick till the second of May."

A bear brought the forecast to the people of France and England, while those in Germany looked to a badger for a sign. In the 1800s, German immigrants to Pennsylvania brought their Candlemas legends with them. Finding no badgers but lots of groundhogs, or woodchucks, there, they adapted the New World species to fit the lore.
Today that lore has grown into a full-blown festival, with Punxsutawney Phil presiding. For all things groundhog, visit the folks at Punxsutawney and see what Phil is predicting this year.

-ABC News Report on Cells The Inner Life of the Cell videos

-Practice using microscopes with slides

-Learning Objective: I can learn the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

-Active Reading 7.1 Introduction to Cells
Read aloud together, annotating text
Answer questions
Glue into right side of notebook & do left side processing

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