Friday, January 29, 2016

Earthquake News; Root Word List #4; begin Chapter 7 Cells

Science news & video: How big is a 9.0 Earthquake?

-Distribute Root Word List #4 (quiz next Thurs, 2/4)
~Glue into the next right side of notebook
~Make flashcards and attach to left side as processing
Something fun while you work...

WARM UP: (left side) 1/29/16

What is a 'cell'? What has cells?

Work with a partner and make a T-chart showing: 
1. Items made of cells 
2. Items not made of cells.
Be prepared to give a rationale for each answer. 
(Hint: use your knowledge of the characteristics of life)

telephone pole      soil             rose petal          
rock                      water          cow skull
apple                     grass          cactus

banana slug          roadkill       sunflower seed

Chapter 7 - Cell Structure (notes, right side)

Learning Objective: I can practice using the microscope by looking at different types of cells.

-Review microscope parts

-Practice using microscopes (invented around 1590, by the way) by looking at slides

How do living things differ from nonliving things?

cell - the basic unit of life  Image result for cell

Cell Theory states three important facts:
1. All living things are made up of one or more cells.
2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in organisms.
3. All cells arise from existing cells.

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