Monday, February 29, 2016

8.2 Cell Transport

 Turn in VIRTUAL Inquiry Lab: Salty Cells & review

Revisit the live video of red onion cells in different solutions. 
(Here is another video that may be helpful for viewing cells.)

What you observed happening when salt water was added was called plasmolysis - shrinking of the cytoplasm away from the wall of a living cell due to outward osmotic flow of water (write definition on page with Salty Cells lab)

Spring Break: 3  weeks away!
Tutorial Thursday, assembly Friday
Midterm Progress Reports go out tomorrow
End Q3 is Thurs 4/7; Bio Honors due week of 3/28-4/1

8.2 Cell Transport 
Learning Objective:
I can describe the different ways that cells move substances across their membrane.

Define the following vocabulary terms:
1. passive transport
2. equilibrium
3. concentration gradient
4. diffusion
5. carrier protein
6. osmosis
7. active transport
8. sodium-potassium pump
9. endocytosis
10. exocytosis

Watch SciShow Membranes & Cell Transport (12 min)

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