Monday, October 10, 2016

Finish Study Guide; Work on Notebooks; Play Crumple & Shoot (optional); Study Guide KEY; TOC Check

Chapter 1 Test and Interactive Notebooks due next class period, Wed. 10/12!!!

Finish Biology Chapter 1 Study Guide using notes, worksheets, etc. in notebook.

Work on Interactive Notebooks: organizing, updating Table of Contents, doing left-side color processing, etc.

Option: Play Crumple & Shoot Review Game!

Biology Study Guide KEY

1 Syllabus
2 Class Rules and Expectations
3 Interactive Notebook Description 
4 Notebook Components
5 Rubric
6 Science Safety Contract
7 Education Contract 
8 Clock Partners
9 (skip)
10 Root Word List #1 processing/flashcards
11 Root Word List #1
12 Nature of Science processing
13 1.1 Nature of Science - Key Idea Questions
14 Scientific Methods processing
15 1.2 Active Reading - Scientific Methods
16 Characteristics of Life Warm Up & processing
17 1.4 Active Reading - Properties of Life

18 Metric System processing
19 Metric System worksheet
20 Study Guide processing
21 Chapter 1 Study Guide

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