Tuesday, October 4, 2016

1.3 Measurement/SI Units

1.3 Tools & Techniques (Measurement Systems) 10/4/16

Learning Objective: I can describe the various units of measurements that scientists use to make observations, gather, and record data.

Measurements taken by scientists are expressed in the International System of Units (SI; Systeme Internationale), which is the official name of the metric system.

The International System of Units is used by all scientists because they need to share a common measurement system for consistency of data. SI is also preferred by scientists because it is scaled in multiples of 10, which makes the system easy to use.

measurement - a determination of the dimensions of something using a standard unit; example: 5 centimeters, 12 liters, 7 kilograms, 30 seconds.
The most common measurements we use in science are time, mass, length, area, volume, & temperature.

unit - a quantity adopted as a standard of measurement; example: centimeter (cm), liter (L), kilogram (kg), second (sec).

quantity - a specific magnitude, size, or amount expressed in a numerical value; example: 5 cm, 12 L, 7 kg, 30 sec

What is the quantity and unit of the following measurements?
50 mL 
4.0 mg
53 cm^2

Image result for kilo hecto deci centi milli

Do worksheet 1.3 'Metric Worksheet' with table groups.

Glue into notebooks on right hand side, p.19.

Do left side color processing on p.18.

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