Friday, March 4, 2016

Finish Egg Lab

WARM UP (3/4/16)
Use vocabulary terms we've learned so far to explain the following situations:
1. Explain what would happen if you give someone an IV of pure water.
2. Explain what would happen if you place a saltwater fish in pure water.
3. Explain what happens when salt is dumped on a slug.
4. __________ is the term used to describe the shrinking of the cytoplasm away from the cell wall due to the outward osmotic flow of water. 

1. What do you expect to happen to the eggs soaked in corn syrup and water? I predict that the egg soaked in corn syrup will______ because ______. I predict that the egg soaked in water will _______ because______.

Egg A
Egg B
Egg C
Day 1 - Mass with shell

Day 2 - Mass without shell

Solution added to egg
corn syrupwatervinegar (control)

2. What changes did you observe in the egg after soaking in vinegar?
3. What caused the change in the mass of the egg after soaking in corn syrup?
4. What caused the change in the mass of the egg after soaking in water?
5. Which egg was in a hypertonic solution? Explain.
6. Which egg was in a hypotonic solution? Explain.

7. What would happen to a red blood cell placed in a test tube of distilled (pure) water? Explain. 

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