Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Finish Egg Lab writeup; do 8.2 worksheets

Finish Egg Lab and get a check for completion when done!
(15 minutes tops to work on finishing this); Period 7 is done


1. What do you expect to happen to the eggs soaked in corn syrup and water? I predict that the egg soaked in corn syrup will______ because ______. I predict that the egg soaked in water will _______ because______.

Egg A
Egg B
Egg C
Day 1 - Mass with shell

Day 2 - Mass without shell

Solution added to egg
corn syrupwatercontrol


2. What changes did you observe in the egg after soaking in vinegar?
3. What caused the change in the mass of the egg after soaking in corn syrup?
4. What caused the change in the mass of the egg after soaking in water?
5. Which egg was in a hypertonic solution? Explain.
6. Which egg was in a hypotonic solution? Explain.


7. What would happen to a red blood cell placed in a test tube of distilled (pure) water? Explain. 

(Period 7 start here) To see OSMOSIS in action...watch video explaining egg lab

(new right hand side, you will glue a worksheet over them OR you can take these notes on a new left hand side at the top, leaving room for processing below them)

-Cells must  move substances of varying size, electrical charge, and composition into and out of the cell in order to maintain homeostasis, and they do this in a variety of ways.

Passive Transport 
- no energy required
-includes simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, & osmosis.
-analogy: paddling downstream in a kayak

Active Transport 
-requires energy to pump substances against their concentration gradient 
-includes the sodium-potassium pump  and vesicles through the process of endocytosis and exocytosis 
(review SciShow video here, start at 6:19 and stop at 10:00)
-analogy: paddling upstream in a kayak

Then do worksheets 8.2 Cell Transport and glue on right hand side across from notes.
Update table of contents and do left side color processing for Egg Lab and 8.2 Worksheet with any remaining time.

Chapter 8 Test will be the week before Spring Break!

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