Tuesday, September 22, 2015

1.3 Measurement Systems

9/22/15 Warm Up:
1. What is science literacy and why is it important in your life?
2. Name the 5 steps of the scientific method.
3. Name 5 lab safety tips.

9/22/15 Learning Objective: I can learn about the metric system so that I can better understand how quantities are measured.

This Week’s Schedule...
*Thursday tutorials are ALL school. Some teachers are unavailable during Wednesday and Friday tutorials.
Wednesday-Sept. 23-A Day, Assembly schedule, 
9:45am: Homecoming Assembly
Thursday-Sept. 24-B-Day, Tutorial, 6:30pm: Powder Puff Football
Friday-Sept. 25-A Day, 7:00pm: Homecoming Football Game & Dance

-Midterm Progress Reports go out Tuesday, 9/29, a week from today! Turn in all your work and do any available retakes/makeups in all your classes. Go to tutorial!

Our textbooks are now available online - yay!
username: biology 378
password: biology


1.3 Tools & Techniques (Measurement Systems)
What is the difference between a measurement, a unit, and a quantity?

5 cm, 12 meters, 7 kilograms = measurement
Centimeter (cm), liter (L), gram (g), second (sec) = unit
Length, volume, mass, area, time, temperature = quantity

What is the quantity and unit of the following:
50 mL (example: volume, milliliter)
4.0 mg
53 cm^3
25 km^2

Image result for kilo hecto deci centi milli

Do worksheet 1.3 'Metric Worksheet' with table groups
Glue into notebooks as right hand side, new information

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