Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Reminders; 'Scientific Literacy' video; 1.2 Scientific Methods

Happy Wednesday - it's Back to School Night! :)

Roses & Thorns (& buds)

Pass back Root Word Quiz #1 (good job!) & contract
(Missing assignments list)

A few reminders...

*You were given class time to work on the assignment below, but it is your responsibility to make sure it's completed in your notebook before notebook grading time:
Read Section 1.1 The Nature of Science
Take notes on the reading (p.13 in interactive notebook)
Answer Key Ideas on page 9, #1-4(also p.13 in notebook)
Do processing on page 12 in your interactive notebook.

*Speaking of grading, here's what's in Synergy right now:
Class Contract - worth 10pts
Root Word Quiz #1 - worth 20pts

*Update your Table of Contents regularly!

*Tomorrow is tutorial day - come see me in room C13!

Please open your interactive notebooks...

(left hand side)
Warm Up 
1.What is scientific literacy

2.How can it empower someone?

Watch "Scientific Literacy - Neil DeGrasse Tyson" (3mins)
and answer questions 

Find 3 O'Clock partner and share answers!

(right hand side)
9/16/16 Learning Objective: I can discuss the scientific method and how it will help me understand and analyze information in my daily life.

1.2 Scientific Methods

The goal of any scientific method is to solve a problem or better understand an event.

*In table groups, come up with 3 CAUSE/EFFECT sentences
"If I turn up the thermostat, then the room will be warmer"

hypothesis - a proposed answer to a question

scientific method - an organized plan for gathering, testing, and communicating information

experiment - a procedure that is carried out under controlled conditions to test a hypothesis

control group - serves as a standard of comparison since the group receives no experimental treatment

theory - a system of ideas that explains many related observations and is supported by a large body of evidence acquired through scientific investigation

Scientific Method Song!

Fill in Concept Map on board, draw on left hand page as your processing, opposite of your 1.2 vocabulary

Any remaining time should be spent updating table of contents, doing processing (in color!), organizing pages, etc.

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