Monday, September 14, 2015

Root Word Quiz #1; Finish 1.1


(top right hand side of next blank page in notebook)
Learning Objective: I understand the meanings of science root words and learn about the nature of science through reading, notetaking, and answering questions.

-Honors Biology option info (contract here)

-Study for Root Word Quiz #1! Use your flashcards and quiz your shoulder partners.

-Root Word Quiz 20 points
14/20 is 70%, you must get this or higher to pass
If you get less than 14/20 you need to retake during tutorial

Quiz - no talking, no electronics; when done flip your quiz over and read quietly. 
Good luck!

When everyone is done, trade papers with shoulder partner
Grade partner's paper in pen only, slash through incorrect
Write the number correct out of 20 ("18/20") on top left
Trade papers back to see how you did
I'll collect papers to enter in Synergy

Read Section 1.1 The Nature of Science
Take notes on the reading (p.13 in interactive notebook)
Answer Key Ideas on page 9, #1-4(also p.13 in notebook)
Do processing on page 12 in your interactive notebook.

Quiet, independent work, please. (tech OK)

Go over Key Ideas answers together

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