Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Chapter 1 Test

-Use first 15 minutes of class to study for your Ch. 1 test and finish up notebooks

-Turn in interactive notebook for 50 points

-Test taking procedures:
*Try your best, take your time, & stay focused
*No talking (everyone deserves a quiet testing environment)
*No personal electronic devices while testing
*When finished, bring your test up to me and then read, do homework, listen to music quietly.

Image result for good luck

Monday, September 28, 2015

Jeopardy! test review; STUDY GUIDE HERE!

-Biology Jeopardy for Ch. 1 review

-Test will be around 40 questions, true/false, multiple choice, word bank, short answer

-Be prepared to turn in your Interactive Notebook on Wednesday as you start the test. Worth 50 pts!

-Bring a book to read for SSR after the test or other homework to do

-Happy studying! Email me with any questions. :)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Mini Metrics Olympics

-Review metrics worksheet answers

-To practice taking metric system measurements...
Mini Metric Olympics!

Image result for olympicsWorking in lab/table groups
Each team will participate in each of the 6 events.
Event 1 - Paper Plate Discus
Event 2 - Paper Straw Javelin
Event 3 - Cotton Ball Shot Put
Event 4 - Right Handed Paper Clip Grab
Event 5 - Left Handed Sponge Squeeze
Event 6 - Big Foot Contest
Each member of the team participates in the event, writing down their own scores. 
BEFORE throwing/grabbing/squeezing/tracing...make your guess in the 'estimate' column on your worksheet.
THEN take the actual measurement and record on worksheet
The difference between the two is your score.
The person with the overall lowest total score is the winner!
Olympic Rules:
*Be fair and use good sportsmanship
*No practice turns
*Measure to the nearest whole unit
*Teacher will announce when to rotate to next event
*Team Captain will read instructions when you get to event and makes sure each person records an estimate beforehand and an actual measurement afterwards.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

1.3 Measurement Systems

9/22/15 Warm Up:
1. What is science literacy and why is it important in your life?
2. Name the 5 steps of the scientific method.
3. Name 5 lab safety tips.

9/22/15 Learning Objective: I can learn about the metric system so that I can better understand how quantities are measured.

This Week’s Schedule...
*Thursday tutorials are ALL school. Some teachers are unavailable during Wednesday and Friday tutorials.
Wednesday-Sept. 23-A Day, Assembly schedule, 
9:45am: Homecoming Assembly
Thursday-Sept. 24-B-Day, Tutorial, 6:30pm: Powder Puff Football
Friday-Sept. 25-A Day, 7:00pm: Homecoming Football Game & Dance

-Midterm Progress Reports go out Tuesday, 9/29, a week from today! Turn in all your work and do any available retakes/makeups in all your classes. Go to tutorial!

Our textbooks are now available online - yay!
username: biology 378
password: biology


1.3 Tools & Techniques (Measurement Systems)
What is the difference between a measurement, a unit, and a quantity?

5 cm, 12 meters, 7 kilograms = measurement
Centimeter (cm), liter (L), gram (g), second (sec) = unit
Length, volume, mass, area, time, temperature = quantity

What is the quantity and unit of the following:
50 mL (example: volume, milliliter)
4.0 mg
53 cm^3
25 km^2

Image result for kilo hecto deci centi milli

Do worksheet 1.3 'Metric Worksheet' with table groups
Glue into notebooks as right hand side, new information

Friday, September 18, 2015

pH of Common Substances Lab

(right hand side)
9/18/15 Learning Objective: I can learn about lab safety so that I can responsibly participate in lab experiments in class.

Lab Safety
(list examples from the video)

Lab safety is super important!
Watch this Crash Course Lab Safety video
-Proper attire
-Disposing of chemical safely
-Avoiding common lab accidents
-Proper pouring
-Hazmat diamond
-How to use fume hoods

Let's do our first lab!

Hand out 'The pH of Common Substances' (25 points)

Make a data table for your findings on back of lab sheet.
3 vertical columns, 6 horizontal rows. (see my example)

In the data table and based on what you know about pH of some common substances, make predictions about expected pH levels of the 5 mystery substances and write them in your data table along with what you think the substance is.

Lab groups will come up one at a time to get pH paper and put one drop of the substances on strips of pH paper. Carefully take the dish of pH paper and substances back to your table.

Google: pHydrion papers 1 to 12 for pH scale

Compare the color of your pH paper to the scale and record your best estimate for pH for the substances. Lab results photo here!

Finish lab sheet with group and turn in! 25 pts

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Back to School Night

Welcome to Freshman Biology with Ms. Ferro! 

I am excited to explore the world of science with your student this year. Here are a few of the topics we will be covering:

-Energy Flow in Ecosystems
-Environmental Issues & Concerns
-Discovery of Cells
-Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration
-Origins of Hereditary Science
-History of Life on Earth

This is our blog address - we use it every day in class:

Each student also keeps an Interactive Notebook, which is used to systematically organize and process new information.

Thank you for coming and I look forward to getting to know you and your student! :)

Reminders; 'Scientific Literacy' video; 1.2 Scientific Methods

Happy Wednesday - it's Back to School Night! :)

Roses & Thorns (& buds)

Pass back Root Word Quiz #1 (good job!) & contract
(Missing assignments list)

A few reminders...

*You were given class time to work on the assignment below, but it is your responsibility to make sure it's completed in your notebook before notebook grading time:
Read Section 1.1 The Nature of Science
Take notes on the reading (p.13 in interactive notebook)
Answer Key Ideas on page 9, #1-4(also p.13 in notebook)
Do processing on page 12 in your interactive notebook.

*Speaking of grading, here's what's in Synergy right now:
Class Contract - worth 10pts
Root Word Quiz #1 - worth 20pts

*Update your Table of Contents regularly!

*Tomorrow is tutorial day - come see me in room C13!

Please open your interactive notebooks...

(left hand side)
Warm Up 
1.What is scientific literacy

2.How can it empower someone?

Watch "Scientific Literacy - Neil DeGrasse Tyson" (3mins)
and answer questions 

Find 3 O'Clock partner and share answers!

(right hand side)
9/16/16 Learning Objective: I can discuss the scientific method and how it will help me understand and analyze information in my daily life.

1.2 Scientific Methods

The goal of any scientific method is to solve a problem or better understand an event.

*In table groups, come up with 3 CAUSE/EFFECT sentences
"If I turn up the thermostat, then the room will be warmer"

hypothesis - a proposed answer to a question

scientific method - an organized plan for gathering, testing, and communicating information

experiment - a procedure that is carried out under controlled conditions to test a hypothesis

control group - serves as a standard of comparison since the group receives no experimental treatment

theory - a system of ideas that explains many related observations and is supported by a large body of evidence acquired through scientific investigation

Scientific Method Song!

Fill in Concept Map on board, draw on left hand page as your processing, opposite of your 1.2 vocabulary

Any remaining time should be spent updating table of contents, doing processing (in color!), organizing pages, etc.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Root Word Quiz #1; Finish 1.1


(top right hand side of next blank page in notebook)
Learning Objective: I understand the meanings of science root words and learn about the nature of science through reading, notetaking, and answering questions.

-Honors Biology option info (contract here)

-Study for Root Word Quiz #1! Use your flashcards and quiz your shoulder partners.

-Root Word Quiz 20 points
14/20 is 70%, you must get this or higher to pass
If you get less than 14/20 you need to retake during tutorial

Quiz - no talking, no electronics; when done flip your quiz over and read quietly. 
Good luck!

When everyone is done, trade papers with shoulder partner
Grade partner's paper in pen only, slash through incorrect
Write the number correct out of 20 ("18/20") on top left
Trade papers back to see how you did
I'll collect papers to enter in Synergy

Read Section 1.1 The Nature of Science
Take notes on the reading (p.13 in interactive notebook)
Answer Key Ideas on page 9, #1-4(also p.13 in notebook)
Do processing on page 12 in your interactive notebook.

Quiet, independent work, please. (tech OK)

Go over Key Ideas answers together

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Root Word #1, Textbook 101, Begin Chapter 1

WARM UP: (Top of page 10 in interactive notebook, left)
1. What is our class blog address?
2. Where is Ms. Ferro during tutorial?
3. What is Ms. Ferro's email address if I have a question?

(Top of page 11 in interactive notebook)
9/14/16 Learning Objective: I can familiarize myself with my biology resources, study the meanings of science root words, and learn about the nature of science through reading, notetaking, and answering questions.

Science Vocabulary Root Word List #1  Cut/glue on p.11
-A large part of science is vocabulary, and being familiar with root words will really help you have a greater understanding of the meaning of science terms.
-You'll get a new root word list of 10 words every few weeks and have a quiz on them. Most likely this will be every other week (Quiz #1: Thursday, 9/22)
Quiz will look like the chart you have but with blank spaces for you to fill in (worth 10 points). If you get less than a 70% you need to see me to retake during tutorial!

-Fold blank paper 3 times and cut into 8 pieces
Share extra pieces, get extra from neighbors to make 10

-Write root word on one side and meaning & related word on the other

-Quiz each other! (clock partners or table partners)

-When done with flashcards, paperclip onto page 10

Read Section 1.1
Take notes on the reading (p.13 in interactive notebook)
Answer Key Ideas on page 9, #1-4(also p.13 in notebook)
Do processing on page 12 in your interactive notebook.
Quiet, independent work, please. (tech OK)

If time, work with table partners to complete Critical Thinking questions.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Finish interactive notebooks; Writing activity

I hope you had a great long weekend! :)
Roses & Thorns (& buds - thanks, Victor!)

Reminder - have parent/guardian sign p.2 & p.5 before our first test (I'll check it when I grade notebooks)

Clock Partners - start at 12 and find a partner for each number going clockwise; you and your partner must have each other's name written on the same number.

As we go over the syllabus on p.6 please add this:

Grading Scale
A - 90-100
B - 80-89
C - 70-79
D - 60-69
F - below 60
Grading Categories
Assessments 40%
Interactive Notebook 20%
Labs 20%
Projects 10%
Worksheets 10%

Turn to page 9 in your notebook.

We'll start this page to give you an example of how you will use your interactive notebook daily in biology class.

(periods 6 & 7)

Write daily Learning Objective on top of right hand page.

*Learning Objective: I can discuss my personal experience with science and how it is a part of my daily life. 

"What is Science to You?" Writing Activity (3 paragraphs total, fill a whole page; include today's date and activity title at top)

1. What is the most recent science class you took? Was it a positive experience? Why or why not?

2. What do you think about your performance in that class? Is there anything you could have 
improved upon? What did you do well?

3. Discuss at least 3 ways that you use science in your daily lift.

Silent, independent work time (tech OK)

After you answer the questions on the right, move over to page 8 on the left and process what you just wrote about through drawings, diagrams, tables, charts, song lyrics you made up about it, etc. Use color! Once you finish this you can decorate your notebook or read while others finish.

(Period 8)

Write daily Learning Objective on the top of right hand page.

Learning Objective: I can discuss my personal interests in 

science, set goals for my learning, and evaluate my own

performance in science class.

"What Is Science to You?" Writing Activity 

(3 paragraphs total, fill a whole page; include today's 

date and activity title at top)

1. What are some fun things that you would like to do in biology class this year? What interests you in science? 

2. Name 3 goals that you will set for yourself for this year in biology class.

3. If you had to give yourself a letter grade in this class so far in terms of being respectful, responsible, and engaged, what grade would you get? Why? Is there anything you can improve on to get started on the right foot? What would help you raise this grade?

After you answer the questions on the right, move over to page 8 on the left and process what you just wrote about through drawings, diagrams, tables, charts, song lyrics you made up about it, etc. Use color! Once you're finished with this you can decorate your notebook or read until everyone is finished.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Interactive notebook setup

-Welcome! :) Reminder: I am in room C13 during tutorial.

Image result for yasss cat
Please get out your notebooks. If you need to get it out of your locker, etc., make it quick!

-Set up Interactive Notebooks

Interactive notebooks will be used in this class daily to help you learn and remember important scientific concepts. 
Why do they work? ...
This notebook style uses both the left and right hemispheres of the brain to help you sort, categorize, and be creative with the knowledge you are gaining. 

1. Write your name somewhere prominent (visible) on the front cover. (I'll model) 

2. Write your contact information (email, phone) inside the front cover in case you misplace it. 

3. The first 
page of your notebook will be the first Table of Contents page - please label it as such. Leave the first 3 pages of your notebook blank to allow room to add more to the TOC. (flip 3 pages)

4. On the 4th page you'll start numbering your notebook with number 1 in the bottom right hand corner. Flip the page and label the bottom  left side 2, the right side 3, flip and label 4, etc. up to number 30 (keep going if you're a fast writer).

5. Pick up the 7 pieces of paper from the table, making sure to keep them in the order you pick them up. 

Materials Managers: please get a few glue sticks and pairs of scissors for your table to share. 

6. Cut and glue these 7 pages into your notebook. For the pages that are too big just glue along the top edge and fold it in half. Cut any stray edges before you glue the paper into your notebook. There should not be any stray edges sticking out of your notebook! Keep it neat and tidy.

Here is the order that the papers will go into your notebook:

Page 1 Classroom Rules & Expectations
Page 2 Interactive Notebook Description
Page 3 Notebook Components
Page 4 Interactive Notebook Rubric (scoring guide)
Page 5 Science Safety Contract (have parent/guardian sign!) 
Page 6 Syllabus 
Page 7 Standards 
Inside back cover - Clock Partners