Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Begin Photosynthesis Lab (Day 1)

Tomorrow is the last day of Q3! Come see me after school today in C13 to turn in last minute work!

Last class we started Chapter 9: Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration.

Open notebooks to notes to review.
What is photosynthesis? Who? Where? Why?

Today we will a begin a lab to explore photosynthesis further. We will spend the next two class periods working on it. It will be due Wednesday, April 13th for 30 points.

Title - Leaf Disk Assay : Photosynthesis Lab

Learning Objective: I can measure the rate of photosynthesis in a leaf by observing the buildup of oxygen which makes leaves float. I will adjust variables to see its effect on photosynthesis. 
(write at top of notebook page)

Using your notes from last class period complete the 'Background' portion of your Leaf Disk Assay.

Video Explanation of Photosynthesis Lab and walk through procedures and setup

What are some variables that you could change in your experiment to test how it affects the rate of photosynthesis?

Light intensity
Baking Soda solution concentration
Leaf color
Leaf size
Leaf's exposure to light
pH of solution

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