Monday, April 25, 2016

CH 9 review/study guide

Chapter 9 Review:

WARM UP (4/25/16; left side)
1.Define autotroph

2.What is the main energy source for all life on Earth?
3.A process that requires oxygen is called __________.
4.A molecule of __________ is split to product the byproduct oxygen in photosynthesis.
5.All cells store energy in molecules of ______.
6.Organisms use the process of___________ _______________ to get energy from carbohydrates.

Ch 9 notes here

-Study Guide for Ch 9 test (test Wed!)

-Work time on interactive notebooks (due Wed!)
What should be in my notebook?
Warm Up
Photosyntheis/Cellular Respiration notes
Warm Up
Leaf Disk Assay Lab
Warm Up
Root Word List #5
9.3 worksheet on Cellular Respiration & notes
Warm Up
Ch. 9 Study Guide

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