Friday, April 29, 2016

Root Word Quiz #5; study period

-Ch 9 tests & notebooks are graded and will be in Synergy by the end of today

-Take 10 minutes to study for Root Word Quiz #5

-Root Word Quiz #5; 21 points

-Turn in when finished and use the rest of class for make up work, check Synergy, do homework, productive!

Have a good weekend :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Ch 9 test & notebooks due

Chapter 9 Test today! 36 points

-Use first 15 minutes of class to study for your test and finish up notebooks

-Turn in interactive notebook for 50 points

-Test taking procedures:
*Try your best, take your time, & stay focused
*No talking (everyone deserves a quiet testing environment)
*No personal electronic devices while testing
*When finished, bring your test up to me and then read, do homework, listen to music quietly.

Image result for good luck

Monday, April 25, 2016

CH 9 review/study guide

Chapter 9 Review:

WARM UP (4/25/16; left side)
1.Define autotroph

2.What is the main energy source for all life on Earth?
3.A process that requires oxygen is called __________.
4.A molecule of __________ is split to product the byproduct oxygen in photosynthesis.
5.All cells store energy in molecules of ______.
6.Organisms use the process of___________ _______________ to get energy from carbohydrates.

Ch 9 notes here

-Study Guide for Ch 9 test (test Wed!)

-Work time on interactive notebooks (due Wed!)
What should be in my notebook?
Warm Up
Photosyntheis/Cellular Respiration notes
Warm Up
Leaf Disk Assay Lab
Warm Up
Root Word List #5
9.3 worksheet on Cellular Respiration & notes
Warm Up
Ch. 9 Study Guide

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Return Assay; review Root Words; review 9.3, Compare/Contrast Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration; Earth Day

Return Leaf Disk Assay - nice job on this lab! 

Look over Root Word List #5The quiz will be Fri 4/29.

Review 9.3 Cellular Respiration worksheet

Image result for glucose molecule  Image result for pyruvate

Image result for cellular respiration equationImage result for cellular respiration equation

How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration connected? (left side processing)...

Tomorrow 4/22/16 is Earth Day!
3 min Earth Day video

Exit Question: (write down in notebook)
What are three things that you can do TODAY to help?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Root Word List #5; 9.3 Cellular Respiration worksheet

Dr. D is here! :)

WARM UP (4/19/16; left side)
1. What is cellular respiration?
2. Who does it?
3. Where does it occur?
4. Why is it important?

-Complete 9.3 Cellular Respiration worksheet
-Get checkmark when finished
-Glue into right hand side across from today's WARM UP
-Do left side color processing
-Update Table of Contents

-Cut and glue Root Word List #5 into the next right hand side of your notebook. 
-Study the list and make flashcards to paperclip on left side
-Quiz your neighbor! 
-The quiz will be Wed 4/27.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Final Day of Leaf Disk Assay: Data Analysis (Day 4)

Leaf Disk Assay : Photosynthesis Lab Day 4 (final day)

Learning Objective: I can measure the rate of photosynthesis in a leaf by observing the buildup of oxygen which makes leaves float. I will adjust variables to see its effect on photosynthesis. 

Today you will be doing the data analysis for the lab.

Use the data from your table to complete the graph and answer the results and conclusion questions.

Due by the end of class today for 30 points!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Photosynthesis Lab Data Collection (Day 3)

Leaf Disk Assay : Photosynthesis Lab Data Collection (Day 3)

Learning Objective: I can measure the rate of photosynthesis in a leaf by observing the buildup of oxygen which makes leaves float. I will adjust variables to see its effect on photosynthesis. 

Today you will be doing the actual data collection for the lab.

1. Review procedure and set up materials.
2. Time rate of photosynthesis under different variables and record data
3. Analyze data and work on lab writeup 

-Add 1 drop of soap to the baking soda solution to wet the hydrophobic surface of the leaf and allow the solution to be drawn into the leaf.
-Use 1 scoop of baking soda per 100mL of water.
-1 scoop of baking soda = 1.5 grams
-Try holding the vacuum for 10 seconds to sink the disks in the syringe
-Every cup has to get the same amount of light per group unless you're testing light type or intensity.

You will have Friday to work on the data analysis: graph and conclusion questions. It will be due by the end of the class period on Friday for 30 points.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Continue Photosynthesis Lab (Day 2)

Quarter 3 Grades were posted on Friday!

WARM UP (4/11/16)
What are three specific goals you have for yourself in biology class for Quarter 4?

This Week: Tutorial Thursday, Assembly Friday

Congratulations go out to all of Franklin's High School Innovation Challenge participants!

This year's theme was "[Re]Fresh Our H2O." Eight high schools teams were invited to design technological solutions to address any problem facing humanity related to freshwater.  

Our team's theme was "Gamifying Water Conservation”. They came up with a revolutionary idea: make saving water fun through the creation of a water conservation app game that tracks our daily, weekly, and monthly consumption, along with other stats, such as fixture usage…They walked away as winners in the "Most Creative Solution" category.

Please congratulate our team for their hard work, they all put in many hours and efforts on this project:

Jack Chen
Jessica Lam
Denny Glenn
Quince Assenberg

Leaf Disk Assay : Photosynthesis Lab Day II

Learning Objective: I can measure the rate of photosynthesis in a leaf by observing the buildup of oxygen which makes leaves float. I will adjust variables to see its effect on photosynthesis. 

Today you will be doing the actual data collection for the lab.

1. Review procedure and set up materials.
2. Walk outside to gather leaves.
3. Time rate of photosynthesis under different variables and record data
4. Analyze data and work on lab writeup 

You will have the whole class period on Wednesday to work on the graph and conclusion questions. It will be due by the end of the class period on Wednesday for 30 points.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Begin Photosynthesis Lab (Day 1)

Tomorrow is the last day of Q3! Come see me after school today in C13 to turn in last minute work!

Last class we started Chapter 9: Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration.

Open notebooks to notes to review.
What is photosynthesis? Who? Where? Why?

Today we will a begin a lab to explore photosynthesis further. We will spend the next two class periods working on it. It will be due Wednesday, April 13th for 30 points.

Title - Leaf Disk Assay : Photosynthesis Lab

Learning Objective: I can measure the rate of photosynthesis in a leaf by observing the buildup of oxygen which makes leaves float. I will adjust variables to see its effect on photosynthesis. 
(write at top of notebook page)

Using your notes from last class period complete the 'Background' portion of your Leaf Disk Assay.

Video Explanation of Photosynthesis Lab and walk through procedures and setup

What are some variables that you could change in your experiment to test how it affects the rate of photosynthesis?

Light intensity
Baking Soda solution concentration
Leaf color
Leaf size
Leaf's exposure to light
pH of solution

Monday, April 4, 2016

Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration notes

WARM UP (4/4/16)
1. What organelles helps plants capture light energy from the sun and convert it into chemical energy?
2. What is this conversion from light energy to chemical energy in plants called?
3. How do autotrophs and heterotrophs obtain energy to grow?

1. chloroplasts
2. photosynthesis
3. Autotrophs make organic compounds that serve as food for them and all other organisms on Earth, and have a supply of food as long as sunlight is available. Heterotrophs, however, must consume the food that autotrophs make since they cannot make their own.

OK...LET'S DO SCIENCE!Image result for let's do science

In Chapter 8 we learned about how cells maintain homeostasis by controlling movement of substances into and out of the cell & how cells communicate...

Now we want to explore how cells get the energy they need to do these tasks.

Begin Ch 9: Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration

Learning Objective: I can describe the processes cells use to obtain energy.

PHOTOSYNTHESIS: The process by which carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water are converted into carbohydrates and oxygen
-Who does it? plants, algae, & some prokaryotes (we'll focus on plants)
-Where does it occur? inside the chloroplasts, organelles found in plant cells
-Why is it important? it produces glucose and oxygen which are needed for cellular respiration (and sustains all life on earth!)

carbon dioxide + water + light energy from sun ----> glucose (sugar) + oxygen
Chemical equation:
6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2

1. Light Reactions - energy from the sun is used to split water in an H+ (hydrogen ion) and an O2; oxygen diffuses out of chloroplasts as a byproduct.
2. Light energy is converted to chemical energy; temporarily stored in ATP (adenosine triphosphate) & NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate)
3. Calvin Cycle - carbon is fixed into glucose; fixed = converting inorganic compounds like carbon dioxide into organic compounds like glucose

Image result for photosynthesis(left side processing)

CELLULAR RESPIRATION: Process used by humans and most other organisms to release the energy stored in the food they consume.

-Who does it? All living organisms
-Where does it occur? Step 1 occurs in cytoplasm, the rest of the process occurs in the mitochondria of plant & animal cells
-Why is it important? It produces ATP, the fuel needed by cells to perform all necessary functions and maintain life!

glucose + oxygen ---> carbon dioxide + water + energy
Chemical equation:
C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂ → 6CO₂ + 6H₂O + ATP (energy)

1. Glycolysis: occurs in cytoplasm of plant & animal cells; glucose is broken down into 2 pyruvate molecules.
2. Krebs Cycle: takes place in the matrix (inside) of a cell's mitochondria; breaks down pyruvate into carbon dioxide, or CO₂.
3. Electron Transport Chain: takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane of cells; electrons and hydrogen ions (H+) are shuttled across the mitochondrial membrane to produce ATP for energy.

Image result for simple cellular respiration diagram(left side processing)

Notes available to print out here

-These videos will give a general overview of the similarities/differences:photosynthesis vs. cellular respiration   photsynthesis & food

-Honors presentations?