Friday, January 29, 2016

Earthquake News; Root Word List #4; begin Chapter 7 Cells

Science news & video: How big is a 9.0 Earthquake?

-Distribute Root Word List #4 (quiz next Thurs, 2/4)
~Glue into the next right side of notebook
~Make flashcards and attach to left side as processing
Something fun while you work...

WARM UP: (left side) 1/29/16

What is a 'cell'? What has cells?

Work with a partner and make a T-chart showing: 
1. Items made of cells 
2. Items not made of cells.
Be prepared to give a rationale for each answer. 
(Hint: use your knowledge of the characteristics of life)

telephone pole      soil             rose petal          
rock                      water          cow skull
apple                     grass          cactus

banana slug          roadkill       sunflower seed

Chapter 7 - Cell Structure (notes, right side)

Learning Objective: I can practice using the microscope by looking at different types of cells.

-Review microscope parts

-Practice using microscopes (invented around 1590, by the way) by looking at slides

How do living things differ from nonliving things?

cell - the basic unit of life  Image result for cell

Cell Theory states three important facts:
1. All living things are made up of one or more cells.
2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in organisms.
3. All cells arise from existing cells.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Begin Semester 2! Review exam, reflection; Begin microscopes

-Day 2 of Semester 2! :) 18 weeks remain of this school year

-Cool science news: planets align this week

-Pass back and review Semester 1 Final Exam

-Reflection on Semester 1: 10 minute free write

On left side of Interactive Notebook (start new Sem2 section)

1. What three things am I most proud of from Sem 1?
2. What three things would you like to improve in Sem.2?
3. What are you most looking forward to in Sem. 2?

Up Next: Cells! But first...Microscopes! Image result for microscope
  1. an optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, such as mineral samples or animal or plant cells, typically magnified several hundred times.

Watch video on correct microscope use (5:30)

Fill out MICROSCOPE LABELING WORKSHEETwhile watching video below and glue into interactive notebook on the right hand side.

Learning Objective: I can learn the parts and correct use of a microscope so that I can study cells.

Practice using microscopes with slides! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Semester 1 Final Exam

We want you to succeed and do well on your finals!
We take your success very seriously and therefore have some expectations around final exams...
-Try your best, take your time, & stay focused
-Maintain a quiet academic environment 
-No talking during exam
-No electronics during exam
-Bathroom passes for emergencies only

-When finished, bring your test up to me and then read, do homework, or listen to music quietly (electronics OK)
Image result for you can do it meme

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Final Exam study period; study guide here!

-Happy Tuesday after a long weekend! :)

-Return Ch. 3 quizzes and notebooks; review quiz

-Today we will be studying for our Semester 1 final exam.

-Semester 1 Final Exam Study Guide

-Important: Expectations during Finals Week

We want you to succeed and do well on your finals!
We take your success seriously and therefore have some expectations around final exam week...

-Quiet, focused academic environment campus wide
-Security and staff will be monitoring hallways
-Tables will be arranged in rows
-Late arrivals may not be allowed to take final
-No talking during exam
-No electronics during exam
-No loitering in hallways
-Anything that looks like cheating will not be tolerated
-Bring something to read or work on after test, music ok
-Bathroom passes for emergencies only

Biology Finals:
Period 6 - Thursday 21st 9:50-11:20
Period 7 - Friday 22nd 9:50-11:20
Period 8 - Thursday 21st 12:10-1:40

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ch 3 Quiz & notebooks due

-We will spend all class period next Tuesday studying for final
-All Sem1 late work must be turned in by this Friday at 3:15
-No school Monday 1/18 for MLK
-Finals next week

-5 minutes to look over notes for Chapter 3 quiz

-Turn in interactive notebooks for 50 points

-Take Chapter 3 quiz on Chemistry of Life, 25 points

-Test taking procedures:
*Try your best, take your time, & stay focused
*No talking (everyone deserves a quiet testing environment)
*No personal electronic devices while testing
*When finished, bring your test up to me and then read, do homework, listen to music quietly.

Image result for you can do it meme

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

3.3 (end of chapter 3)

Important dates:
-Wrap up Ch. 3 today
-Ch. 3 quiz and notebooks due Thurs. 1/14
-All late Semester 1 work is due by this Fri. 1/15 at 3:15pm
-Finals schedule & what to expect (no late entry, no passing in hallways, no electronics, quiet academic environment)

-20 minutes to work on interactive notebooks

-Last class we did the pH Cabbage Lab...
1.In the lab, why did some substances turn different colors?
2.What does pH stand for?
3.Where do acids and bases fall on the pH scale?

3.3 Carbon Compounds
Learning Objective: I can describe the kinds of organic compounds that are found in living organisms that are essential for biological processes.

Read 3.3 Active Reading together and complete questions with your table group. Glue into notebook and do color processing when finished. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

3.2 Water & Solutions/Cabbage Lab

WARM UP: (left side) 
1. Draw an atom of silicon (atomic number = 14)
2. How many protons are in the nucleus of an atom of gold?
(atomic number 79)

3.2 Water and Solutions (top right side)
Learning Objective: I can describe the unique properties of water and why it is an essential compound for the survival of all living things.

To demonstrate some of the unique properties of water, we will do the pH Cabbage Lab ("Telltale Cabbage") 30pts.
This is due by the end of class today.
1.On your lab sheet, write down definitions of acid and base.

acid - compound that forms extra hydronium ions when dissolved in water; numbers 0-6 on the pH scale.
base - compound that forms extra hydroxide ions when dissolved in water; numbers 8-14 on the pH scale.
(depending on the amount of extra ions, the solution will either be less acidic, less basic, or neutral/7.)

pH stands for "potential hydrogen." Acids (0-6) have a higher concentration of hydrogen, and bases (8-14) have a higher concentration of hydroxide.

Watch this video to see what we will be doing in our lab.

On the back of your lab sheet, copy data table & diagram!
Use color and arrange the solutions in order to form your own pH scale from 0 to 14.

Photo results here for lab!

Image result for ph scale

Click here for more info on pH ...

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Welcome back! 3.1 Notes; 3.2; Cabbage Lab

Welcome back! I hope you had a great holiday! :)
Share 1 Rose & 1 Thorn with table partners...

Looking into the near future...
-Including today, 5 days of biology class until final
-Biology final is on Thursday, 1/21 
-Honors projects are due next week 1/13 & 1/14 (15th latest)
-Next Interactive Notebook check: Thursday, 1/14

Reminder of what we did last class:
-Use textbook (hard copy or online) to do 
Directed Reading 3.1 Matter & Substances
-Copy into next open right hand page, do left side processing

-Review answers to Directed Reading 3.1 Matter & Substances

3.1 Notes:
-Every living and nonliving thing is made up of matter, and all matter is made up of atoms - the smallest unit of matter that cannot be broken down by chemical means.

-Atoms are made of:
protons +
electrons -
neutrons (no charge)

-Since each atom has the same number of protons and electrons, they have no overall charge (cancels out charge)
Watch this video 'Atomic Structure' to help explain the structure of atoms.

-The Periodic Table contains elements, a substance made up of atoms that have the same number of protons. An element's identity is based on its atomic number, which is the number of protons in one atom of that element. 

For example, carbon's atomic number is 6.



-The chemical reactions covered in this chapter involve electrons.

-A change in the number of electrons does not change an atom's identity.

-Atomic structure:

Electrons fill the outer shells of an atom
Only 2 electrons can fill the innermost shell
Outer shells hold eight and prefer to have their outer shell filled, making them stable.
-Hydrogen is stable when it only has 2 valence electrons
-A compound is a substance make of the bonded atoms of two or more different elements.

Comparing bonding:

Covalent - electron pairs are shared; molecules are produced; bond is the attraction for shared electrons.
Ionic - electrons are transferred; ions are produced; bond is the attraction between ions of opposite charge.

Video: Dogs Teaching Chemistry

3.2 Water and Solutions

Learning Objective: I can describe the unique properties of water and why it is an essential compound for the survival of all living things.

To demonstrate some of the unique properties of water, do pH Cabbage Lab

At the top of your lab sheet, define acid and base.
acid - compound that forms extra hydronium ions when dissolved in water.
base - compound that forms extra hydroxide ions when dissolved in water.
(depending on the amount of extra ions, the solution will either be less acidic, less basic, or neutral)

On the back of your lab sheet, copy data table & diagram!