Monday, May 18, 2015

Finish up Chapter 12

-Happy Monday! Hope your weekend was fun.

-Plants are cool! Watch this: Amazonian Water Lily

-Hand back Traits Lab & review #8

How can a person's genotype for a trait be determined from his or her phenotype for the trait?
If a trait is dominant and you possess that trait you will not be able to determine your exact genotype because you could be either homozygous or heterozygous for the gene that controls the trait. However, if a trait is determined by incomplete dominance or codominance, you can tell what your genotype is. Genotypes of recessive traits can also be identified.
For example, if your phenotype is long eyelashes, your genotype could either by EE or Ee. But if your phenotype is short eyelashes you know your genotype is ee.

-Do #6-13 12.3 Active Reading together to discuss Punnett Squares

-What to study:
What does it mean to be homozygous/heterozygous for a trait?
Alleles - what are they? How are they expressed?
Mendel's Laws
Mendel's experiments and P, F1, & F2 generations
What's a sex-linked trait? X chromosome carries most of these
Be able to complete a Punnett square and determine possible phenotypes
Polygenic character - a character controlled by several genes
Phenotype can also be affected by conditions in the environment, such as nutrients and temperature (fox's fur changing color)

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