Thursday, May 28, 2015

Finish film & review questions; get biology final info; STUDY GUIDE HERE!

-Roses & Thorns
 Image result for garden rose

-Sub notes

-Monday, June 1st: begin studying for biology final on 6/4/15!
What will be on the final? 
All material from Semester 2, chapters 8-12...
Chapter 8: Cells & Their Environment
Chatper 9: Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration
Chapter 10: Cell Growth & Division
Chapter 11: Meiosis & Sexual Reproduction
Chatper 12: Mendel & Heredity



-Finish 'Transcendence'

-Review answers to questions & class discussion:
17. What is your view of humans and technology? Pros & cons?
18. Do you think the technology in this film is a realistic future for us? Why or why not?
19. What are the moral questions raised by using technology to grow new cells and heal people?
20. Why is this movie called ‘Transcendence?’

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sub for Ms. Ferro - Ms. Driscoll

-Watch 'Transcendence'! (we'll finish it on Thursday)

-Answer accompanying questions for 10 big extra credit points!
This will give you some cushion for our upcoming final so do it!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Chapter 12 Test

-Good luck!

-Show me flashcards or 12.3 for extra credit

-25 questions, 50 points on test

-When everyone is finished we'll grade your tests

-No school Monday 5/25 for Memorial Day :)

-Volunteer to help sub with movie?

Monday, May 18, 2015

Finish up Chapter 12

-Happy Monday! Hope your weekend was fun.

-Plants are cool! Watch this: Amazonian Water Lily

-Hand back Traits Lab & review #8

How can a person's genotype for a trait be determined from his or her phenotype for the trait?
If a trait is dominant and you possess that trait you will not be able to determine your exact genotype because you could be either homozygous or heterozygous for the gene that controls the trait. However, if a trait is determined by incomplete dominance or codominance, you can tell what your genotype is. Genotypes of recessive traits can also be identified.
For example, if your phenotype is long eyelashes, your genotype could either by EE or Ee. But if your phenotype is short eyelashes you know your genotype is ee.

-Do #6-13 12.3 Active Reading together to discuss Punnett Squares

-What to study:
What does it mean to be homozygous/heterozygous for a trait?
Alleles - what are they? How are they expressed?
Mendel's Laws
Mendel's experiments and P, F1, & F2 generations
What's a sex-linked trait? X chromosome carries most of these
Be able to complete a Punnett square and determine possible phenotypes
Polygenic character - a character controlled by several genes
Phenotype can also be affected by conditions in the environment, such as nutrients and temperature (fox's fur changing color)

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Review traits lab; begin 12.3

-Reminder about important calendar dates:
*Ch. 12 test next Thurs 5/21 
*Final honors projects due May 28th & June 1st
*June 1st & 2nd will be in class study time for biology final
*June 4th biology final on all semester 2 material
*June 11th last day of school!

-Warm Up: In your notebooks!

What is the analogy I mentioned recently about genotype and phenotype? 
Genotype is like a ___________ and phenotype is__________.

IMPORTANT to remember...genotype determines phenotype.

-Review Traits Lab & turn in for credit (40 pts)

-12.3 Modeling Mendel's Laws
Learning Objective: I can use Mendel's Laws to predict and understand the results from a given cross.
Who uses this kind of information in real life?
Farmers, gardeners, animal keepers, biologists, & medical professionals (who use pedigrees)

-Watch Bozeman Science lecture video on Punnett Squares

-Do 12.3 Active Reading together to discuss Punnett Squares

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Traits Lab!

-Today is the last day to turn in anything before progress reports go out. We're halfway through Q4!

-Roses & Thorns

-Determination of Genotypes from Phenotypes in Humans Lab
(Traits Lab) 40 points

Monday, May 11, 2015

Finish 12.2 & do vocab flashcards

-Tomorrow Q4 Progress Reports are due! Turn in all your missing work TODAY so I have time to grade and enter it in Synergy!

-Finish up 12.2 note taking 

-If extra time, use it to work on vocabulary flashcards!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Finish 12.1; Do 12.2 with note taking

-Progress Reports go out next Tuesday, May 12th...

-Period 1: show me your completed 12.1 Active Reading for credit
-Period 2: show me your completed 12.1 Active Reading for credit & then we'll go over answers as a class

Image result for genetics and peas

12.2 Mendel's Theory
Learning Objective: I can use Mendel's Theory to explain why I have some, but not all, of my parents' traits.

Note taking in interactive notebooks WITH PROCESSING :)
(if you miss class: or textbook for section 12.2 notes!)

Important vocabulary terms in 12.2:
dihybrid cross

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Begin Ch 12.1

-Think & write/warm-up (review)...

 List five characteristics that are passed on in families. 

Also, name one characteristic that is inherited but that 

may also be influenced by behavior or environment. 

Some characteristics that can be passed on are eye, hair and skin color, and height. Some characteristics that are inherited but may also be influenced by behavior or environment are muscle size, body weight, and having a suntan.

Why It Matters...

Your genetic makeup influences your appearance, your abilities, and your health. We now know that many human traits have their origins in genes. As we come to understand how traits are inherited, we can use this information to better our lives.

12.1 Origins of Hereditary Science 

Watch this super informative and adorable video on 
Heredity and Gregor Mendel

Read and complete the answers for 12.1 Active Reading for 

15 points

Monday, May 4, 2015

Review Ch. 11 Test & Begin Ch. 12: Mendel & Heredity

-Roses & thorns 

-Review Ch. 11 test: nice job, I'm super proud of you! :)

-What's next? ... Chapter 12 Mendel and Heredity

-Get Ch. 12 outline and vocabulary 

-Think & write/warm-up...

 List five characteristics that are passed on in families. 

Also, name one characteristic that is inherited but that may also be influenced by behavior or environment.