Thursday, January 15, 2015

Finish 7.2, Active Reading 7.2

-1st Period Warm Up: In your notebook, write down at least 6 cell parts.

-2nd Period Warm Up: In your notebook, write down the 4 things that ALL cells (prokaryotic & eukaryotic) have in common.

-Continue note taking on Chapter 7.2: Inside the Eukaryotic Cell
Learning Objective: I can identify the structures and functions of eukaryotic cell organelles.

-Stretch break!

-Presentation 7.3: From Cell to Organism
Learning Objective: I can describe the diversity in cells and their levels of organization.

Art in Science...

-Make flashcards using Key Vocabulary Terms. Be creative! Use color and drawings to enhance memory retention and understanding. When finished, quiz your table partners!

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