Sunday, January 29, 2017

Unit Study Guide and Notebook Update

Notebook update...

36 & 37 Ch 17 Study Guide & Color Processing  (Dec. 5)
38 & 39 Begin Ch 18: Classification
Color Processing & Crash Course video notes; textbook reading & questions
40 & 41 Cosmos: Evolution processing & notes handout (Jan. 3)
42 & 43 Ch 18.2 Color processing & answers to questions from p. 431
44 & 45 Ch 18.2  Color processing & "Quick Lab" on p. 430, Root Word List #3
46 & 47 Ch 18.3  Color processing & Directed Reading Handout & p. 437, #1-4
48 Handy Six Kingdom handprint model
49 Chapter 18 Study Guide (optional)

In class:

Warm-up: Half-sheet check on notebook answers of last week.... Put you name (last name too, please!) and period at top. Copy and complete the following questions: 1) Cattle: Domain ______________ & Kingdom ___________. 2) Grass: Domain ______________ & Kingdom ___________. 3) Methanogens: Domain ___________ & Kingdom ___________. 4) E. coli: Domain ___________ & Kingdom ___________.

Study guide and unit collection of handouts available in class.
Kahoot Game to study Chapter 18.

Final Day:  Half'n'half:  Chapter 18 test & Comprehensive test

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