Sunday, January 29, 2017

Unit Study Guide and Notebook Update

Notebook update...

36 & 37 Ch 17 Study Guide & Color Processing  (Dec. 5)
38 & 39 Begin Ch 18: Classification
Color Processing & Crash Course video notes; textbook reading & questions
40 & 41 Cosmos: Evolution processing & notes handout (Jan. 3)
42 & 43 Ch 18.2 Color processing & answers to questions from p. 431
44 & 45 Ch 18.2  Color processing & "Quick Lab" on p. 430, Root Word List #3
46 & 47 Ch 18.3  Color processing & Directed Reading Handout & p. 437, #1-4
48 Handy Six Kingdom handprint model
49 Chapter 18 Study Guide (optional)

In class:

Warm-up: Half-sheet check on notebook answers of last week.... Put you name (last name too, please!) and period at top. Copy and complete the following questions: 1) Cattle: Domain ______________ & Kingdom ___________. 2) Grass: Domain ______________ & Kingdom ___________. 3) Methanogens: Domain ___________ & Kingdom ___________. 4) E. coli: Domain ___________ & Kingdom ___________.

Study guide and unit collection of handouts available in class.
Kahoot Game to study Chapter 18.

Final Day:  Half'n'half:  Chapter 18 test & Comprehensive test

Friday, January 20, 2017

Notebook Update, Chapter 18.3

Notebook update...

36 & 37 Ch 17 Study Guide & Color Processing  (Dec. 5)
38 & 39 Begin Ch 18: Classification
Color Processing & Crash Course video notes; textbook reading & questions
40 & 41 Cosmos: Evolution processing & notes handout (Jan. 3)
42 & 43 Ch 18.2 Color processing & answers to questions from p. 431
44 & 45 Ch 18.2  Color processing & "Quick Lab" on p. 430, Root Word List #3
46 & 47 Ch 18.3  Color processing & Directed Reading Handout & p. 437, #1-4
48 Handy Six Kingdom handprint model
49 Unit Study Guide (optional)

Please let me know if I missed something!

Root word quiz #3 on Jan. 26

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Baby Boy Ferro! 12/29/16

Hello Franklin Family,
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful extended holiday with your families. I wanted to share the news that we received the best gift ever this year: Luca Orion Ferro was born on 12/29/26 and weighed 7.5 lbs. We're thrilled and in the midst of newborn craziness! Thanks to everyone for their support during my pregnancy. I'll be on maternity leave the rest of the school year to be with my family and look forward to returning to Franklin in the fall. Good luck with the rest of your semester and I'll be stopping in to say hello as soon as I'm able.
Ms. Ferro :)

Dichotomous Key & Kingdoms

IN CLASS on Jan 20
1. Dichotomous Keys:  Di = 2
     A. Sharks: gold page & white answer sheet
     B. Analysis:  Weird & Fantastic Creatures
Turn in white answer sheets.  Gold stay in classroom.

IN CLASS on Jan 24
2. Chapter 18, Sec. 3 (pp. 432-437)
     A. Directed Reading Handout (goes into notebook)
     B. On the right hand side of notebook: p. 437, #1- 4

Monday, January 9, 2017

Classification: Trees & Keys

     Put these in order from biggest to smallest:    genus   class    order     phylum     domain
     (Use your mnemonic device that you chose last time.)

1. Systematics... try it!
With table partner, complete the "Quick Lab" on p. 430.  See example in Fig. 7 on p. 429.  Put in your notebook on right-hand side, include answers to 4 & 5.
2. Check Answers from p. 431.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Review questions from p. 426. Read & questions for section 2.

Look back at questions from p. 426 (way back before the break!).
How to remember those classifications?

A mnemonic device provides an entertaining way to remember the taxonomic classification system in biology.

Modern systematics... pp. 427-431, Answer questions 1-5 on p. 431.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Cosmos Episode 2: Some of the things that molecules do

Jan. 3

The baby Luca Orion was born 12/29!  Ms. Ferro promised to post pictures later.

New teacher is Alexis Howell-Kubler, a biological oceanographer who helped put fish into space and then turned to teaching.  ;)

Today we watch COSMOS: Episode 2 and complete guided notes while watching video.  Put in notebook and remember color processing.

Cosmos: Episode 2

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Review lesson from 12/13; Review Key Idea questions 18.1

-Review what you did with Mr. Dyal back on December 13th (see blog entry)

-Review answers to Key Idea questions #1-3 from page 426 in textbook