Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Warm Up; Review Bird Beak Lab; Finches Video; Speciation Crash Course Video & Notes Glue In

Warm Up: (write down the questions and answer in bold)

In the Adaptation Lab we showed how the finches of the Galapagos Islands slowly adapted to the food that was available to them on different islands. When the finches arrived on a new island, they developed adaptations over time to help them survive on that island. 
1. An adaptation is _________.

When a group of finches separates from their old island, they have to adapt to their new island. Since there was reproductive isolation between the finches on the new island and the old group they came from, the finches on the new island slowly, over time, began to look different from the old finches.  Eventually the finches on the old island and the finches on the new island will have different beaks. These different beaks are adapted to eat the foods they found on the island they lived on. 
2.This explains the process of __________, which is defined as the formation of new species as a result of evolution. 

Announcements & Upcoming Dates!
-Ch 17 Study Guide & notebook work time on Thursday
-Ch 17 Test & notebook check on Monday, 12/5

Return papers

Review Bird Beak Lab Questions & Conclusions; glue lab into notebook

Galapagos Finches Video (16 mins)

Begin new right hand page in notebook (handout here)

Heading: Speciation 11/29/16

Learning Objective: I can explain how a species is defined and how new species are formed.

-Scientists may define a species based on physical features, ecological roles, or genetic similarities.

divergence - an increasing number of differences between populations; can lead to speciation

-Speciation rarely happens quickly. It happens in stages over many generations.

-A new species has formed when:
-the population has unique traits
-the population is reproductively isolated

subspecies - a population that has diverged in some way from other populations of the same species; can eventually become separate species if they become unable to interbreed and produce fertile offspring. 

Populations can become reproductively isolated by:
-geography (location)
-ecological niche (‘job’ in an ecosystem)
-mating behavior & timing of mating
-polyploidy (genetic differences)

-hybridization (mix of 2 species that may form a new species)

Watch 'Speciation: Of Ligers & Men' Crash Course Video (10:24 mins)

Answer these questions as you watch 

1.What is a species?
2.What are two examples of animals that are a result of two different species reproducing?
3. When a species separates because of a geographic barrier it is knows as ________ speciation.
4. Dog breeding is an example of ________ selection.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Bird Beak Lab Due; Updated Table of Contents; NOVA extra credit video

'Bird Beak Lab' is due at the beginning of the period today for full credit! (25 pts)

Updated Table of Contents/Notebook Check
1 Syllabus
2 Class Rules and Expectations
3 Interactive Notebook Description 
4 Notebook Components
5 Rubric
6 Science Safety Contract
7 Education Contract 
8 Clock Partners
9 (skip)
10 Root Word List #1 processing/flashcards
11 Root Word List #1
12 Nature of Science processing
13 1.1 Nature of Science - Key Idea Questions
14 Scientific Methods processing
15 1.2 Active Reading - Scientific Methods
16 Characteristics of Life Warm Up & processing
17 1.4 Active Reading - Properties of Life

18 Metric System processing
19 Metric System worksheet
20 Study Guide processing
21 Chapter 1 Study Guide     (notebook check)

22 Ch 16.1 Developing a Theory textbook questions processing
23 Ch 16.1 Developing a Theory textbook questions
24 Great Volume Exchanger processing
25 Great Volume Exchanger
26 16.2 Applying Darwin's Ideas processing
27 16.2 Applying Darwin's Ideas worksheet
28 10/27 WARM UP & 16.3 Evaluating Darwin's Ideas processing
29 16.3 Evaluating Darwin's Ideas guided notes     (notebook check)
30 Quarter 1 Reflection; Root Word List #2 processing
31 Root Word List #2
32 Bird Beak Lab color processing
33 Begin Ch 17: Population Genetics & Speciation; LO; Bird Beak Lab
34 Speciation color processing
35 Speciation Notes & Crash Course Video questions

Watch NOVA: Can I Eat That?  Extra Credit Video (up to 5 pts)

Friday, November 18, 2016

Warm up & clock partner share; Bird Beak Adaptation Lab Day 2 - Conclusion Questions

Root Word Quiz #2 today - 22 points!
Quiet during quiz
When done get out Bird Beak Lab and work on questions

Bird Beak Adaptation Lab - Day 2

Finish any data gathering/recording if necessary

Work on completing conclusion questions with your lab group. Be thorough and use complete sentences for full credit!

When done turn in for credit then do color processing on the left hand side across from where your lab will be glued.

Labs are due by the beginning of the period on Tues 22nd for full credit! (25 pts)

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Seating Chart; Root Word #2 reminder; Do Bird Beak Adaptation Lab

Root Word Quiz #2 will be on Friday 11/18/16 (20 pts)
Quick review of Root Word List #2

-Updated seating chart with minor adjustments

Begin Ch 17 - Population Genetics & Speciation

Learning Objective: I can examine how variation within a species can lead to evolution by doing the 'Bird Beak Adaptation' lab.


Saturday, November 12, 2016

A Letter to My Students

  • To all of my students: Your diverse opinions, identities, and backgrounds are the backbone of what makes America a great country. It is through your education that this country will remain that way.  When you are within these walls, we will do everything in our power to keep you safe, make sure you are respected, and that your voice is valued. If ever you feel your rights are violated, I urge you to communicate with a staff member for appropriate action. Our job is to keep you safe and informed. We will continue to perform that duty to the best of our abilities so that long after you have left these walls, your knowledge and diversity can continue to shape these United States into an inclusive and great country. 

What can we do?

    Friday, November 4, 2016

    New seating chart; Four Corners; Quarter 1 Reflection writing


    MONDAY 11/7/16 BY 3:15!

    New quarter, new seating chart! Randomized chart on Synergy. 

    Do a new Four Corners with your name tag

    Upper Left: Current fave TV show   Upper Right: Something                                                             you're looking forward to

    Bottom Left: Favorite holiday food    Bottom Right: Someone                                                              who helped you in Q1 

    Introduce new partner and something about them

    Open notebooks to next open left-hand page

    Heading: Quarter 1 Reflection & today's date   

    Write out the whole question and answer.

    1. Two things that I think I did really well in quarter one are ________________ and _______________. 

    2. Two things that I know I can improve on in quarter two are _______________ and ________________.

    3. An action step for the first improvement is _________.

    An action step for the second improvement is ________.

    4. A support person I can depend on to help be make these improvements is _____________.

    5. Something that my support person can do to help me be more successful in quarter 2 is ___________.     

    Root Word List #2; glue on right hand page.
    15 minutes to make flashcards
    Root Word Quiz #2 will be on Friday 11/18/16 (20 pts)

    Begin Ch 17 - Population Genetics & Speciation

    Learning Objective: I can examine how variation within a species can lead to evolution.


    Tuesday, November 1, 2016

    Chapter 16 Test & Notebook Check; Period List of Missing Work

    Chapter 16 Test & Notebook check today! 
    (Evolutionary Theory)

    Last day to turn in Quarter 1 work: Wed. November 2nd!

    -Use first 30 minutes of class to study for your test and finish up notebooks

    -Turn in interactive notebook for 50 points before test

    -Test taking expectations:
    *Try your best, take your time, & stay focused
    *No talking (everyone deserves a quiet testing environment)
    *No personal electronic devices while testing
    *When finished, bring your test up to me and then read, do work, listen to music quietly.

    Image result for good luck

    Last day of Quarter 1! All work must be submitted by 3:15 today to count on your report card! 

    Missing work/retakes:

    Period 7
    Abril - chapter 1 test retake, chapter 1 notebook redo
    Julian - Root Word Quiz #1 retake, ch 1 notebook redo
    Jeremiah - Root Word Quiz #1, ch 1 notebook & test
    Oscar - Root Word Quiz #1, ch 1 test retake,ch 1 notebook
    Ryan - ch 1 notebook redo
    George - ch 1 notebook redo
    Alexis - ch 1 notebook redo
    Jahir - ch 1 notebook redo
    Alejandro - Root Word Quiz #1, ch 1 test & notebook

    Period 8
    Izzy - Root Word Quiz #1 retake,ch 1 test retake & notebook
    Drake - ch 1 notebook
    Jesus - ch 1 notebook redo