Monday, September 26, 2016

Review 1.2 Scientific Method; Scientific Method Song; Begin 1.4 Properties of Life

-Synergy is updated. Your first progress report goes out this Wednesday 9/28! It's a check-in halfway through the quarter to see how you're doing. A printed report goes home to parents. YOU MUST TURN IN ALL WORK BY TUES 9/27 TO BE INCLUDED ON Q1 PROGRESS REPORT!

-Root Word Quiz #1 (20 points) was last week
14/20 is 70%, you must get this or higher to pass
If you get less than 14/20 you need to retake during tutorial

Please have your notebooks out and open to Active Reading 1.2 'Scientific Methods.' on page 15. We'll go over it together and check answers. 

Scientific Method SONG with concept map for processing

Do color processing on p. 14

Image result for neil degrasse tyson meme

(LEFT SIDE) p.16 in notebook
9/26/16 Warm Up
What makes something ALIVE? 
List as many characteristics that you can think of that qualifies something as a living being.

Find your 4 o'clock partner and share your list.

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