Friday, September 30, 2016

Check 1.4 Characteristics of Life worksheet & review answers; TOC check-in;

Unit 1 Test & Notebook Check - Wednesday, October 12th!

WARM UP 9/30/16 (verbal warm-up, no need to record)
With your clock partner and without looking at your notes, see how many of the Seven Characteristics of Life you can remember from last class! 

-Checkmark for completed 1.4 Properties of Life worksheet glued on p. 17

-Review answers to 1.4 Properties of Life worksheet

-This is what you should have in your Table of Contents so far:

1 Syllabus
2 Class Rules and Expectations
3 Interactive Notebook Description 
4 Notebook Components
5 Rubric
6 Science Safety Contract
7 Education Contract 
8 Clock Partners
9 (skip)
10 Root Word List #1 processing/flashcards
11 Root Word List #1
12 Nature of Science processing
13 1.1 Nature of Science - Key Idea Questions
14 Scientific Methods processing
15 1.2 Active Reading - Scientific Methods
16 Characteristics of Life Warm Up & processing
17 1.4 Active Reading - Properties of Life

Use remaining time to complete left-side color processing on p. 16 for 'Properties of Life'

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Online Biology Textbook Info; Continue 'Properties of Life;' Active Reading 1.4 Properties of Life

Unit 1 Test and first notebook check: Wed., Oct. 12th!

Online Textbook: go to
Username: biology378
Password: biology

Last class we started:
(LEFT SIDE) p.16 in notebook
9/26/16 Warm Up
What makes something ALIVE? 
List as many characteristics that you can think of that qualifies something as a living being.
Find your 4 o'clock partner and share your list.

-Continue making list of 'What makes something ALIVE?'

-Watch 'Introduction to the Characteristics of Life' video to think further about what makes something alive (3:39)

-Hand out 1.4 What is Biology: Properties of Life worksheet 
(glue on right side, page 17)

-Read passage out loud together as a class.

-Write down list of the 7 Characteristics of Life on board:
1. cellular organization
2. homeostasis
3. metabolism
4. responsiveness
5. reproduction
6. heredity
7. growth

-In table groups, complete questions 1-7 on worksheet.

**Add these two definitions under #2: (use textbook to define)
homeostasis - 
metabolism - 

-On your left hand side do color processing (concept map, drawings, etc.) that shows the 7 Properties of Life. Be creative!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Review 1.2 Scientific Method; Scientific Method Song; Begin 1.4 Properties of Life

-Synergy is updated. Your first progress report goes out this Wednesday 9/28! It's a check-in halfway through the quarter to see how you're doing. A printed report goes home to parents. YOU MUST TURN IN ALL WORK BY TUES 9/27 TO BE INCLUDED ON Q1 PROGRESS REPORT!

-Root Word Quiz #1 (20 points) was last week
14/20 is 70%, you must get this or higher to pass
If you get less than 14/20 you need to retake during tutorial

Please have your notebooks out and open to Active Reading 1.2 'Scientific Methods.' on page 15. We'll go over it together and check answers. 

Scientific Method SONG with concept map for processing

Do color processing on p. 14

Image result for neil degrasse tyson meme

(LEFT SIDE) p.16 in notebook
9/26/16 Warm Up
What makes something ALIVE? 
List as many characteristics that you can think of that qualifies something as a living being.

Find your 4 o'clock partner and share your list.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Check 1.2 Scientific Method worksheet; Scientific Method song; Root Word Quiz #1

Please have your notebooks out and open to Active Reading 1.2 'Scientific Methods.' on page 15. If you are finished with the worksheet and color processing on p.14 you get a checkmark on each page.

Scientific Method SONG with concept map for processing

10 mins to study for Root Word Quiz #1!

-Root Word Quiz #1 (20 points); write in pen only
14/20 is 70%, you must get this or higher to pass
If you get less than 14/20 you need to retake during tutorial

During the Quiz - no talking, no electronics; when done flip your quiz over and read quietly. 

Good luck!

When everyone is done, trade papers with shoulder partner

Grade partner's paper in pen only, slash through incorrect
Write the number correct out of 20 ("18/20") on top left
Trade papers back to see how you did

I'll collect papers to enter in Synergy

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Review 1.1; Do worksheet 1.2; study for Root Word Quiz

1. Find your Clock Partner and answer the following questions:
-What is our class blog address?
-What goes on the right and left hand sides of your notebook?
-When is our Root Word Quiz #1?

2.Please have your interactive notebooks out on your desk and open to pages 12 & 13. Dr. D will come around with a marker and give you a checkmark (if you have not received one yet) for completed 1.1 Key Idea questions from the textbook AND corresponding left side color processing. It must be done at the beginning of the period to get a checkmark for full credit.

3. Review answers to textbook 1.1 Key Ideas questions #1-4 together. Check your answers and make adjustments to your answers as needed.

4. Read and complete Active Reading 1.2 'Scientific Methods.' Glue onto notebook page 15 when finished and do color processing on the left, page 14. Get a checkmark when finished.

5. Use any remaining time to study for Root Word Quiz #1 and organize interactive notebooks!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Section 1.1 The Nature of Science (textbook reading & questions; color processing)

Happy Friday! Roses & Thorns?

Reminder: Root Word Quiz #1 next Thursday, 9/22 20pts

1. Read Section 1.1 The Nature of Science
2. Answer Key Ideas on page 9 in textbook, #1-4 
(write down question & answers on p.13 in notebook)
3. Do color processing on page 12 in your interactive notebook.
4. When finished I will give you a checkmark. 

Quiet, independent work, please. (tech OK)

If done, work with a partner to quiz each other on Root Words!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Root Word List #1

WARM UP: (Top of page 10 in interactive notebook, left)
1. What is our class blog address?
2. Where is Ms. Ferro during tutorial?
3. What is Ms. Ferro's email address if I have a question?

Stanford consent form - period 7

(Top of page 11 in interactive notebook)
9/14/16 Learning Objective: I can familiarize myself with my biology resources, study the meanings of science root words, and learn about the nature of science through reading, notetaking, and answering questions.

Science Vocabulary Root Word List #1  Cut/glue on p.11
-A large part of science is vocabulary, and being familiar with root words will really help you have a greater understanding of the meaning of science terms.
-You'll get a new root word list of 10 words every few weeks and have a quiz on them. Most likely this will be every other week (Quiz #1: Thursday, 9/22)
Quiz will look like the chart you have but with blank spaces for you to fill in (worth 10 points). If you get less than a 70% you need to see me to retake during tutorial!

-Fold blank paper 3 times and cut into 8 pieces
Share extra pieces, get extra from neighbors to make 10

-Write root word on one side and meaning & related word on the other

-Quiz each other! (clock partners or table partners)

-When done with flashcards, paperclip onto page 10

Monday, September 12, 2016

Clock partners; New Planet Activity

Clock Partners! Reason: designated discussion partners

Turn to page 8 in your Interactive Notebook
Write your name in the middle of your clock
Walk around the room and find people to be your partner for each number on your clock.
You and your partner write each other's name on the same number.
I will do a clock for absent students
If necessary you may have 2 partners for a given clock time

New Planet Activity

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Return contracts; review notebook contents; writing activity

New seating arrangement: please with where your nametag is! 

Return signed contracts to glue on page 7; 10 points in Synergy!

Review Notebook pages 1-8 
1 Syllabus
2 Class Rules and Expectations
3 Interactive Notebook Description 
4 Notebook Components
5 Rubric
6 Science Safety Contract
7 Education Contract 
8 Clock Partners

"What is Science to You?" Writing Activity (3 paragraphs)
This is a required writing work sample so please do your best.

Paragraph 1. What is the most recent science class you took? Was it a positive experience? Why or why not?

Paragraph 2. What do you think about your performance in that class? Is there anything you could have improved upon? What did you do well?

Paragraph 3. In what ways do you think science is a part of our daily lives? Give at least three examples.

Silent, independent work time

Turn in as Exit Ticket before you leave

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Review Class Expectations; Interactive Notebook Setup

Review your Class Expectations from group brainstorm activity

Homework Due: Educational contract & Spiral Notebook!

Interactive Notebook Setup

Materials Managers: Please get scissors and glue sticks for your table

STEP 1: Write 'Table of Contents' at the top of the first 3 pages of your notebook, front and back (you'll write it 6 times)

STEP 2: On the first Table of Contents page, copy these first 8 page entries:
1 Syllabus
2 Class Rules and Expectations
3 Interactive Notebook Description 
4 Notebook Components
5 Rubric
6 Science Safety Contract
7 Education Contract (leave blank to glue in when I return to you)
8 Clock Partners

STEP 3: Turn to the 4th page of your notebook (the first page after your Table of Contents) and start numbering pages on the bottom, outer corners. 'Page 1' should be written on the bottom right hand corner, page 2 is bottom left, etc. Odd numbers are always right side, even numbers are always left side. Use front & back of pages. Number up to page 8. 

STEP 4: Glue in the handouts on the first 8 pages of your notebook that correspond with your Table of Contents. You may trim any pages that don't fit in your notebook. PLEASE clean up after yourself and recycle, put away materials, etc. 

Begin reviewing notebook pages

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Day 2 of Biology 2016/17: Handbook Review, Finish Rules & Expectations, Group Poster Activity

Grab your nametag on the way in, please!

Roses & Thorns with your Four Corners partner


-Did you remember to get a notebook? Contract? DUE BY TUESDAY!

-Business items: Today & Friday - handbook review
Period 7 & 8 - Sign Hollyhock Assent Form

-Finish reviewing Classroom Expectations & Rules Handout 

Look at FHS STRONG Poster together

I want you to have a say in what our expectations LOOK LIKE:

1. In table groups, assign a Materials Manager, a Recorder, a Time Keeper, and a Task Manager.

2. Materials manager: please take one white board and a marker back to your table group

3. Write down ideas of what your group thinks each expectation looks like in the classroom. What are you as students doing to show respectresponsibilityengagement? For example: our group feels that listening and not talking during instruction is an example of respect.

4. I will ask each group for their best example of each expectation & I'll put them on a class poster

Bring contract & notebook for next class!