Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Begin Ch. 5: Populations & Communities

-Begin Chapter 5: Populations & Communities

1. WARM UP 11/4/15 (left side)
You have just been hired for a summer job for the month of July. You will be paid one cent on the first day of the month. Each day following, your pay will be double what it was the previous day. Take a few minutes – no calculators! – to write down how much money you would earn on the 10th, 20th, and final day of July (31st).
What's this have to do with biology?...
Just like the growth of your income, populations can grow exponentially over time, but there are limits to what an ecosystem can sustain. This is called its carrying capacity.
Image result for animal population growth graph

2. Watch video: Crash Course Population Ecology Video 
(watch & listen; no need for note taking)

3. Materials managers, pick up copies of 5.1 Populations and 5.2 Interactions in Communities, for your group. 

4. Read aloud and answer questions in table groups

5. Glue into notebook on right hand sides (each worksheet gets glued into its own page)

6. Do left-side color processing across from each worksheet
(what you don't finish is homework that will be checked on Friday!)

7. Clean up materials 

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