Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Honors Biology requirements here!

Welcome to Honors Biology! The honors credential will have a positive impact on your transcript and may help you attain internships and scholarships in the future. You also have the opportunity to explore science concepts that are interesting to you that we will not cover in the general freshman biology class.
What do you need to do to earn honors credit in biology?
-Earn an A in the class
-Earn a B or higher on all tests & quizzes
-Complete a project on a topic of your choice from chapters 20-41 in the textbook (ones that we will not cover in class). Ask the teacher if you need help deciding, but go with what interests you most!
-Attend the end of quarter meetings (teacher will announce) to participate in presentations from your fellow honors biology students. This will usually be over 2 lunch periods or tutorial.
-Keep in mind that you are not required to take AP biology next year if you do honors biology this year, but it will prepare you well if you do decide to take it during sophomore, junior, or senior year.
More details:
Choose a topic from chapters 20-41 in the textbook & complete one project per quarter, 2 per semester
You may choose from one of the four assignments below (one per quarter)
Present a visual presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) outlining your topic. Be prepared to answer questions from your audience.
Present a chapter in the form of a children’s book with both written portions as well as labeled and colored drawings.
Prepare a labeled and colored poster that outlines the chapter of your choice.
Take an exam on the chapter and earn a score of 85% or better.
Each quarter’s project must be turned in on the designated date before the end of the quarter.

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