Thursday, December 18, 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Interactive Notebook Check & Chapter 3 Test

-Happy Test Day! :)

-You have 10-15 minutes of open study time before the test. Use your time wisely!
  This gives you approximately 1 hour & 15 minutes on the test. There are 40 questions: 5 true/false, 10 multiple choice, 10 fill in the blank with a word bank, 10 matching, & 5 drawing/short answer.

-I will collect your notebooks for grading before I hand out the test. See rubric for scoring.

-Spread out, no notes, no electronics, no headphones, no talking while tests are out, please.

-Raise your hand if you have a question or need clarification - I'm happy to help.

-When you are done you may do other homework or read quietly until everyone is finished.

-Good luck, you're going to do great!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Chapter 3 Test Study/Review Game Day (IMPORTANT STUDY MATERIALS!)

-  Chapter Outline, Jeopardy questionsConcept Map of Atoms, Elements, &  vocabulary terms to study for the test

-Chapter 3 Chemistry of Life Test Review - Jeopardy

Rules: Break into two teams. Pick a number between 1 and 10 to determine who goes first. I will tell you the category and ask a question. You will discuss with your teammates and look for the answer in your notes. When you have an answer you raise your hand, I will recognize the first person to raise their hand, and that person must answer the question. If the answer is correct you are awarded a point, if it’s incorrect a point will be taken away. Instead of the winner having control of the board we will give teams alternating turns to answer questions.  A tie breaker question will be given in the event of a tie. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins bragging rights and probably an A on the test tomorrow. :)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Finish 3.3 & Begin 3.4 Energy & Metabolism

-Warm up: What's the best movie you've seen recently? Any you want to see?

-Finish 3.3: nucleic acids power point with notes

-Power point 3.4 with notes

-Use Chapter Outline to study this weekend for your test on Tuesday! And be ready
for a review game on Monday :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Finish 3.3 Active Reading; begin lecture 3.3

-Finish 3.3 Active Reading with table groups, review answers
-Biomolecules video
-Begin Section 3.3 with PowerPoint and lecture notes

Monday, December 8, 2014

Review pH Lab; start Active Reading 3.3

-Monday Meme: Dropping the Science - chemistry - Page 8 - Cool Science News - funny science news experiments memes - Cheezburger
-Roses & Thorns
-Check lab for completion (worth 100 points)
-Review answers to lab: ph of Common Substances 
-Begin Active Reading 3.3 with table partners

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Chapter 3.2 & pH Lab

-New Seating Chart :)
-Review Quiz 3.1
-Lecture notes 3.2
-Cabbage juice demonstration
-Lab safety rules
-Lab: The pH of Common Substances page 1 & page 2

-Homework: Lab questions on 'pH of Common Substances' due Monday, 12/8/14

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

3.1 Summary

-Review Directed Reading 3.1 answers

-Watch videos from last lecture on Chapter 3 section 1 in textbook

-Continue Chapter 3 PowerPoint Presentation (begin @ Polarity) with note taking

-Chapter 3.1 quiz

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Dive into Chapter 3: The Chemistry of Life

Current Events: Ferguson Trial

-Review 'Interactive Notebook Description'

-Begin Chapter 3: PowerPoint Presentation
-Review key vocabulary terms and put in interactive notebook 
-Do Directed Reading 3.1 and put in interactive notebook 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Finish notebook setup & take Ch. 3 Pretest

-Roses & Thorns
-New class rules & expectations are posted in the classroom
-Finish setting up notebooks
-Take 'Chemistry of Life' pretest & check answers

Thursday, November 20, 2014

-Science Survey: How do you feel about science?

-What are YOUR classroom rules & expectations?
Make a class list of DO's and DON'Ts

-TED Ed video: Simple Ideas Into Big Scientific Discoveries

-Interactive Notebook Making

Why Interactive Notebooks?
-organization of materials
-processing information 
-proven success through research

-Bring your textbooks on Monday to leave in our classroom

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Community Building: Take What You Need

Freshman Academy Bio Community Building...
-"Take What You Need"

-Classroom Meeting on changes: challenging but necessary

-Classroom rules & expectations from Ms. Ferro

Monday, November 17, 2014

Name Game

Welcome to Ms. Ferro's biology class!
Studying the forest canopy from 100 feet up in a Douglas Fir

What are we doing today?...

-Contact information on cards

-Introductions: Name Game & get to know each other

Monday, November 10, 2014

Welcome to Ms. Ferro's 9th grade Academy Biology class!

Hello students! I'm very excited to become part of the Franklin High School biology team and to continue the learning that you've been doing with Mr. Stewart, Ms. Ghodsi, Mr. Buckmaster, and Mr. Heppner. I know that transitions and changes can be challenging, especially this far into the school year, but I promise to do my very best to make your transition as easy and as smooth as possible.
Here is some important information for you:
I'll be starting my new class with you this Thursday 11/13/14. For period 1 I'll be in Ms. Sansom's room 237 and for period 2 I'll be in Ms. Biagini's room 234. I also teach a period of College & Career Readiness during period 3 in room 149.
You can always email me at with any concerns or questions.
I plan on using this blog as a way to communicate with you and post assignments and/or announcements, so please check it daily!
Thank you :)
-Ms. Ferro