Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Begin Ch 18: Classification; Crash Course video; notes; textbook reading & questions

Welcome back from your Snow Days! ❄
(no baby yet 😁)

Turn to a new right hand page in your notebook

Chapter 18: Classification 12/13/16

Learning Objective: I can explain the importance of the field of taxonomy, scientists' system for classifying living things.

1. Watch 'Taxonomy: Life's Filing System' Crash Course video (12 mins) and answer the following questions. Write these down under your Learning Objective before starting the video...

'Taxonomy' Crash Course video questions
1. Another name for the phylogenetic tree is ___.
2. The name of the Swedish botanist who developed the modern system of naming organisms is ___.
3. The four kingdoms are ___, ___, ___, & ___.
4. Humans belong to the kingdom ___.

2. Take notes on right hand page-

Phylogenetic tree:

(You can use this mnemonic device to help you remember the order after 'domain;' write it down!)

Kings Play Chess Only For Good Sportsmanship
(Or think of your own!)

(←write down in notes)

Left side processing idea:

3. Textbook Reading & Questions

-Dismiss by table to get a textbook OR use the online textbook (my.hrw.com, biology387, biology).
-Turn to Chapter 18 Section 1, page 423. 
-Read pages 423-426
-Answer Key Ideas questions #1-3
-Write question & answer in notebook under today's notes

4. Do left-side color processing in notebook

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Ch 17 Test & Notebooks Due

Chapter 17 Test & Notebooks due today!

-Use first 15 minutes of class to study for your test and finish up notebooks

-Test taking expectations:
*Try your best, take your time, & stay focused
*No talking (everyone deserves a quiet testing environment)
*No personal electronic devices while testing
*When finished, bring your test up to me and then read, do work, listen to music quietly.

Image result for good luck

We're grading tests and notebooks differently today!

TESTS: -Use a pen and trade with a trusted neighbor
-Write your name in the blank provided for the test you're grading
-Put a slash mark through any incorrect answers 
-Questions are worth 2 points each
-Please add up the total points correct out of 30 and write it on the front page (?/30)
-Tests need to be turned in to be entered into Synergy

NOTEBOOKS: Now you will grade the notebook of the person whose test you graded. Give them an honest & accurate grade (ask yourself: What Would Ferro Do?). Write their grade in their notebook as well as on their test paper (?/50) based on the rubric below. Make sure your notebook grade is written on your test in the appropriate spot to get credit. No need to turn in your notebook.

Notebook Scoring Rubric
50 points
-Table of Contents up to date
-Has 'Tragedy' intro, data, questions, & guided notes
-Has warm ups and color processing on every left side
-Color processing shows high level critical thinking
40 points
-Table of Contents up to date
-Has 'Tragedy intro, data, questions, & guided notes
-Has warm ups and color processing on most left sides
-Color processing shows some critical thinking
30 points
-Table of Contents not up to date
-Missing some glue-ins
-Missing some warm ups and color processing
-Color processing is missing or does not show critical thinking
20 points
-Turned in a notebook but its very sad & unorganized :(

Monday, December 5, 2016

Review study guide; work on notebooks; study for Ch 17 test

-Complete Ch 17 Study Guide

-Review answers to study guide as a class

-Work on interactive notebooks: update table of contents, do color processing on every left-hand page!

-Study for Chapter 17 test

-Ch 17 Test & Notebook check this Wednesday, 12/7!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Watch Crash Course Speciation video with questions; Ch 17 Study Guide; Notebook work time

Watch 'Speciation: Of Ligers & Men' Crash Course Video (10:24 mins)

Answer these questions as you watch from notes handout:

1.What is a species?
2.What are two examples of animals that are a result of two different species reproducing?
3. When a species separates because of a geographic barrier it is knows as ________ speciation.
4. Dog breeding is an example of ________ selection.

Review answers

Work on Chapter 17 Study Guide

Do color processing and update table of contents in notebook