Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Begin Chapter 10: Cell Growth & Division; outline, vocab, 10.1 reading worksheet, & chromosome structure here

10.1 Cell Reproduction: chromosomes & their structure
10.2 Mitosis 
10.3 Regulation of cell growth & division (cancer)

Chapter 10 Outline & Vocabulary

Begin 10.1 Cell Reproduction
Each time a cell reproduces, it divides into two new cells. When each of the new cells divide, the result is four new cells. If this continues, how many cells will be present after the cells reproduce 6 times? Keep your answer to yourself & write in your notebook.

Work on 10.1 Special Reading Worksheet with lab groups using pages 223-226 of your textbook (online or hard copy) 35 points
(Paste in notebook as 10.1 notes; draw chromosome structure on left hand side for processing)

Review answers as a class before the end of the period & make a chromosome!

Thursday...10.2 Mitosis Lab!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Welcome back! Poster Gallery Walk

-Welcome back from Spring Break! Image result for spring
Roses & Thorns...

-End of Quarter 3: Thursday, April 9th (turn in missing work for partial credit!)

-Gallery walk with Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration posters; finish poster if not done

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Poster project due! 50 pts

-Work period for Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration Poster Project - due by the end of class today for 50 points!
work hard & stay focused :)
-Have a wonderful Spring Break! See you on Monday, March 30th!
Image result for relaxation
Sleep in, relax, get outside, catch up on missing homework, hang out with friends & family, read...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Introduce Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration Poster Project; NOTES & INFO HERE!

-We're changing it up! :) Instead of a written assessment (test) for this chapter, we're going to do a project. Here are the details...
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Poster Project

-These videos will give a general overview of the similarities/differences: photosynthesis vs. cellular respiration   photsynthesis & food 

(printable version of the information below: photosynthesis/cellular respiration notes

PHOTOSYNTHESIS: The process by which carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water are converted into carbohydrates and oxygen
Who does it? plants, algae, & some prokaryotes (we'll focus on plants)
Where does it occur? inside the chloroplasts, organelles found in plant cells 
Why is it important? it produces glucose and oxygen which are needed for cellular respiration (and sustains all life on earth!) 

Overview of process: 
carbon dioxide + water + light energy from sun ----> glucose (sugar) + oxygen
Chemical equation:
6CO+ 6H2O + light energy ------> C6H12O+ 6O2

3 Stages of Photosynthesis:
1. Light Reactions - energy from the sun is used to split water in an H+ (hydrogen ion) and an O2; oxygen diffuses out of chloroplasts as a byproduct.
2. Light energy is converted to chemical energy; temporarily stored in ATP & NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) 
3. Calvin Cycle - carbon is fixed into glucose; fixed = converting inorganic compounds like carbon dioxide into organic compounds like glucose

Image result for photosynthesis

CELLULAR RESPIRATION: Process used by humans and most other organisms to release the energy stored in the food they consume.
Who does it? All living organisms
Where does it occur? Step 1 occurs in cytoplasm, the rest of the process occurs in the mitochondria of plant & animal cells
Why is it important? It produces ATP, the fuel needed by cells to perform all necessary functions and maintain life!

Overview of process:
glucose + oxygen ---> carbon dioxide + water + energy
Chemical equation:
C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂ → 6CO₂ + 6H₂O + ATP (energy)

3 Stages of Cellular Respiration:
1. Glycolysis: occurs in cytoplasm of plant & animal cells; glucose is broken down into 2 pyruvate molecules.
2. Krebs Cycle: takes place in the matrix (inside) of a cell's mitochondria; breaks down pyruvate into carbon dioxide, or CO₂.
3. Electron Transport Chain: takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane of cells; electrons and hydrogen ions (H+) are shuttled across the mitochondrial membrane to produce ATP for energy.

Image result for simple cellular respiration diagram


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

9.1 Energy in Living Systems

Chapter 9 Outline

-9.1 Energy in Living Systems presentation with note taking

Learning Objective: I can describe how energy flows in natural systems and the source of the energy. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Review Ch. 8 Test, begin Ch. 9

-Happy Monday! 
Go see Trailblazer Nicolas Batum at 3:15pm today in the gym!Image result for nicolas batum

-GOOD JOB for working hard to turn in missing work. Let's be proactive as we move forward and submit work in a timely manner :) (hand back notebooks, papers, etc.)

-Review Chapter 8 Test answers & clarify lingering questions

-Looking forward: Chapter 9 Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration
-Monday 3/16 review for Chapter 9 Test
-Tuesday 3/17 Chapter 9 Test
-Thursday 3/19 Outdoor Lab if we finish in time! 
(then Spring Break)

-Chapter 9 Vocabulary Terms to know

-Read independently and annotate Active Reading 8.1; bring to class tomorrow to complete together in class
Image result for energy in living systems

Thursday, March 5, 2015

NOTEBOOK CHECK FOR CHAPTER 8; Work/tutorial day...let's pause to catch our breath!

-Roses & Thorns in pairs Image result for rose illustration

-Check in: how did it go with the sub? Where was I?

-Springtime Reflection: How can I improve? (life, biology class, sports, helping around the house, practicing something I love...)

-Let's take today to catch up on any missing work: interactive notebooks, labs, quizzes, tests, retakes, extra credit! Think of this as a tutorial period.

-Work relatively quietly so that others can work effectively as well
-Check in with me and ask questions, get help from peers
-Be on task & use this time wisely and responsibly

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Complete Chapter 8 Concept Map for extra credit; paste into notebook for studying

...More extra credit (10 pts each, up to 20 pts TOTAL): Chapter 8.1 Active Reading, or make flashcards for each word on Chapter 8 Vocabulary words

These opportunities can give you some buffer room if you were out sick, etc.!

Monday, March 2, 2015