Thursday, December 18, 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Interactive Notebook Check & Chapter 3 Test

-Happy Test Day! :)

-You have 10-15 minutes of open study time before the test. Use your time wisely!
  This gives you approximately 1 hour & 15 minutes on the test. There are 40 questions: 5 true/false, 10 multiple choice, 10 fill in the blank with a word bank, 10 matching, & 5 drawing/short answer.

-I will collect your notebooks for grading before I hand out the test. See rubric for scoring.

-Spread out, no notes, no electronics, no headphones, no talking while tests are out, please.

-Raise your hand if you have a question or need clarification - I'm happy to help.

-When you are done you may do other homework or read quietly until everyone is finished.

-Good luck, you're going to do great!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Chapter 3 Test Study/Review Game Day (IMPORTANT STUDY MATERIALS!)

-  Chapter Outline, Jeopardy questionsConcept Map of Atoms, Elements, &  vocabulary terms to study for the test

-Chapter 3 Chemistry of Life Test Review - Jeopardy

Rules: Break into two teams. Pick a number between 1 and 10 to determine who goes first. I will tell you the category and ask a question. You will discuss with your teammates and look for the answer in your notes. When you have an answer you raise your hand, I will recognize the first person to raise their hand, and that person must answer the question. If the answer is correct you are awarded a point, if it’s incorrect a point will be taken away. Instead of the winner having control of the board we will give teams alternating turns to answer questions.  A tie breaker question will be given in the event of a tie. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins bragging rights and probably an A on the test tomorrow. :)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Finish 3.3 & Begin 3.4 Energy & Metabolism

-Warm up: What's the best movie you've seen recently? Any you want to see?

-Finish 3.3: nucleic acids power point with notes

-Power point 3.4 with notes

-Use Chapter Outline to study this weekend for your test on Tuesday! And be ready
for a review game on Monday :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Finish 3.3 Active Reading; begin lecture 3.3

-Finish 3.3 Active Reading with table groups, review answers
-Biomolecules video
-Begin Section 3.3 with PowerPoint and lecture notes

Monday, December 8, 2014

Review pH Lab; start Active Reading 3.3

-Monday Meme: Dropping the Science - chemistry - Page 8 - Cool Science News - funny science news experiments memes - Cheezburger
-Roses & Thorns
-Check lab for completion (worth 100 points)
-Review answers to lab: ph of Common Substances 
-Begin Active Reading 3.3 with table partners

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Chapter 3.2 & pH Lab

-New Seating Chart :)
-Review Quiz 3.1
-Lecture notes 3.2
-Cabbage juice demonstration
-Lab safety rules
-Lab: The pH of Common Substances page 1 & page 2

-Homework: Lab questions on 'pH of Common Substances' due Monday, 12/8/14

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

3.1 Summary

-Review Directed Reading 3.1 answers

-Watch videos from last lecture on Chapter 3 section 1 in textbook

-Continue Chapter 3 PowerPoint Presentation (begin @ Polarity) with note taking

-Chapter 3.1 quiz